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Student Government Association Student Government Association

Judicial Board

The Judicial Board oversees the proper interpretation, implementation, and enforcement of all SGA policies in situations outside the purview of the Executive Committee. The Judcial Board works to guarantee that every student is treated with fundamental standards of fairness and guaranteed fair representation in all SGA matters. All clubs, club representatives, committees, subcommittees, councils, other entities, and officers of the SGA are subject to the Judicial Board and are bound by its decisions. The Judicial Board's authority includes:

  • Judicial review of all legislative and executive acts.
  • Interpretation of existing SGA policy.
  • Removal of SGA Officers and Club representatives for violation of the SGA Constitution
    and Bylaws and other SGA policies.
  • Revocation of Club constitutions.
  • Suspension of SGA funds.

Judicial Board Officers

Kam Haq ‘26 
Chief Judicial Board Officer and Chair   
Brendan O'Neill ‘26 
Judicial Board Officer 

Yemi Majiyagbe ‘25 
Judicial Board Officer

Submit a judicial board complaint

To submit a complaint to be heard by the Judicial Board, please complete the . This is the same form used to submit any incident report at the College. All complaints will initially be reviewed by Ann Marie Przywara, Director of Student Conduct. If Director Pryzwara determines that this is an SGA matter, she will forward the report to the  Judicial Board. All complaints must be submitted within 10 days of the alleged incident/policy violation.