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Classics Honors

Parilia Participants 2015
Parilia '15 Participants: Sarah Breitenfeld, Ben Turnbull, Sarah Donovan (l. to r.)

Our students develop into emerging scholars, learning how to conduct critical inquiry, to base arguments and analysis on evidence, and to subject their work to review by their peers. In 2006, our department joined the classics departments at Colgate University (Hamilton, N.Y.), Hamilton College (Clinton, N.Y.) and Union College (Schenectady, N.Y.) in creating Parilia. Named for and held on or near the annual Roman spring festival, Parilia provides a venue for students from all four institutions to share the results of their research. Our department has selected the following students to present their work at Parilia:

April 20, 2018, Union College


  • Ben Cail 鈥18, 鈥Ciceronianus es, non Christianus: Ciceronian Invective in the Writing of St. Jerome 鈥
  • Kelly Platt 鈥18, 鈥淒uality of Woman: Ancient Greek Conceptions of the Feminine鈥


  • Phoebe Burton 鈥18, 鈥淭he Wandering Womb鈥
  • Zoe Ousouljoglou 鈥20, 鈥淚rregular Bowel Diseases in Antiquity鈥
  • Erika Petersen 鈥19 and Nora Barry 鈥19, 鈥Pothos: Alexander the Great and 鈥榃orld鈥 Conquest: A Student-designed Role-playing Course鈥

April 21, 2017, 番茄直播


  • Mary Farrington '17: "Priestess of Fire"
  • Khang Le '17: "Pirates of the Mediterranean: A Dictator's Guide to Escaping Kidnappers"


  • Benjamin Cail '18: " 'Sexy, Sexy, That's All I Do': Muscles, Male Body Worship, and Homoeroticism in Classical Film"
  • Emma Griffin '19: "The Battle of Teutoburg Forest: The Defeat of Expansion"
  • Zoe Ousouljoglou '20: "Moral Ambiguities of the Peloponnesian War"
  • Juliette Taylor '20: "The Old Market Woman: A Hellenistic Statue at the Metropolitan Museum of Art"

April 15, 2016, Hamilton College


  • Anna Hocker '17: "Purple Robes, Gleaming Horses, and Burly Men: An Examination of Ancient Military Manuals"
  • Khang Le '17: "The New Sacred Order: The Portrayal of Freedmen in the Satyrica"


  • Benjamin Cail '18: "Philomela's Daughter: Writing Sex in the Petronius' Satyrica"
  • Sarah Donovan '17: "The Horae (The Fates)"
  • Mary Farrington '17: "Mr. Creosote's Dinner: A Study of Food and Its Presentation in the Cena Trimalchionis"
  • Benjamin Wetherbee '16: "Finding Polion: The Egyptian Homesickness"

April 17, 2015, Union College 

  • Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld '15: "Ruined Cloak, Ruined Reputation: Sexual Misconduct in Menander's Epitrepontes and Terence's Hecyra"
  • Benjamin Robert Turnbull '15: "Worthy of Legend: The Poetic Techniques of Homer in Herodotus' Histories"
  • Sarah Elizabeth Donovan '17: "Disastrous Love in Mythology"

April 19, 2013, Colgate University

  • Shannon DuBois '13, "Achilles and Andromache as Tragic Foils in the Iliad"
  • Amari Boyd '14 and Nicole Friedman '15, "Who Owns the Parthenon Marbles? A Debate"
  • Sarah Breitenfeld '15 "Glory: The Life of Aspasia"

April 2012, 番茄直播

  • Elizabeth Kiggins '12, "The Implementation of United States Cultural Property Legislation: The Case of the Euphronios Krater"
  • Bryn Schockmel '12, "The Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace: Hellenistic Patronage and Politics"
  • Kristin Travagline '12, "Horace and Czeslaw Milosz: Side by Side across Two Millennia"

April 2011, Hamilton College

  • Evan Hauger '13, "Orcus Overthrown: Death and the Dinner of Trimalchio"
  • Ross Jaffe '11, "Epic and Bucolic Elements in the Argonautica"
  • Claire Saxe '11, "Morphing the Metamorphoses: Adapting Ovid's Ceyx and Alcyone for the Stage"

April 2010, Union College

  • Sam Elam '10, "Tactile Translation: Re-Writing Myth in Sculpture"
  • Julia Dauer '10, "Family Values and the Roman State: Reading the Ara Pacis in Context"
  • Kristin Travagline '12, "Two Lyric Poets: Horace Caught in a New England Frost"

April 17, 2009, Colgate University

  • Amanda Paret '10, "A Meeting of Great Men: Achilles and Priam in Troy'"
  • Jim Ryan '09, "Catullus and the Benefits of Evolving Scholarship"
  • Ross Jaffe '11, "The Evils of Fortune"

April 18, 2008, 番茄直播

  • Andy Cabell '08, "Veiled Polemic: Viewing Rhetorical Strategies in the Windsor Report through Tertullian and Irenaeus"
  • Kelly Bischoff '10, "The Nostos of Achilles"
  • Katie Butler '08, "Archimedes and the Stomachion"

April 20, 2007, Hamilton College

  • Margaret Drake '07, "Legitimacy Constructed in Marble: The Augustan Building Program"
  • Dan Moran '07, "The Panhellenion: Roman Presence in Hadrianic Greece"
  • Molly Appel  '07, "The Constructive Power of Tertullian's Rhetoric in the Prescription Against Heretics"

April 21, 2006, Union College

  • Jess Lubniewski '06, "An Unknown Face: Unearthing the Truth about an Egyptian Artifact"
  • Andy Cabell '08, "Theatricality and Amphitheatricality in Ovid's Metamorphoses"
  • Naomi Gutierrez '06, "From Mediterranean to Mississippi: Heroism and Culture in the Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

The department expresses its appreciation to the Mellon Foundation for its initial support of this collaboration and the Office of the Dean of the Faculty for continuing that support.