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Skidmore McGraw Microscopy Imaging Center - SMMIC

Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy laboratory

The Feild Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), a FEI Quattro S, is currently located in Center for Integrated Sciences building. It was purchased with funds from the National Science Foundation.

specifications of FEI Quattro S FESEM:

Illumination system: Field emission gun

Accelerating voltage: 0.2KV-30KV

Multi-purpose Sample Holder: simultaneous loading of 18 standard samples (ø 12 mm), three 45Ëš pre-tilted samples, and two row bars (vertical, and 52Ëš pre-tilted).

Detectors: conventional Everhart-Thornley SE detector with variable grid bias (high-Vacuum mode)
                    low-vacuum mode gaseous SE detector 
                    ESEM mode gaseous SE detector
                    Retractable Directional Back-scatter (DBS) Detector
                    Retractable STEM 3+ Detector

 Modes: High-vacuum mode, low-vacuum mode, ESEM mode

Cooling Stage: temperature range from -20oC to 60oC. 

X-ray Microanalysis: Thermo Scientific EDS UltraDry 60M (129 eV)
                                     -Retractable UltraDry Premium EDS detector
                                     -Active area of 60 mm2 and 129 eV energy resolution at Mn k-alpha
                                     -Norvar window with proprietary evacuated tube design for detection sensitivity to Be
                                     -Analyzer electronics with up to 1,000,000 x-ray input counts per second and 300,000 x-ray                                            output counts per second.