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Office of the Registrar

Hudson Mohawk Association Guidelines for Cross-Registration

The following conditions apply to all students who wish to use the Cross-Registration option:

  1. You must be a full time matriculated student and take at least one-half of your semester load at your home campus.

  2. You must have the approval of your home campus.

  3. The course(s) must be one that is not available to you on your home campus.

  4. PLEASE NOTE: even if you have the "permission of the instructor" at the host school, you must still go through the Registrar's Office to be considered "registered" in a course.

  5. You will be responsible for the attendance and academic requirements of the course even if home and host calendars do not coincide.

  6. Your signature on the Cross-Registration form is considered approval for grades/transcripts to be automatically sent to your home institution at the end of the semester.

  7. You are responsible for notifying the registrars on both campuses if you withdraw from a course(s). Failure to do so can result in an Academic "F" from the host institution.

  8. Your signature on the Cross-Registration form indicates your agreement to abide by all regulations imposed by the host institution (parking, attendance, library rules, etc.) In addition, the host institution may apply rules and regulations to incoming students as it deems necessary. Be sure you are aware of those rules before you cross-register.

  9. Home campus students have priority for all courses at the college or university, so popular courses may be closed to cross-registrants because of space limitations.

  10. Mini-semester, January term, and Summer Session are not covered by the general cross-registration agreement although special arrangements exist between various campuses.

  11. All fees in excess of tuition are also the responsibility of the student, ie., lab fees, etc.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact Shannon Melvin at smelvin@skidmore.edu