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Honors Convocation celebrates 'the whole student'

May 10, 2019
by Angela Valden

Skidmore celebrated students for academic excellence, leadership, creativity and service May 1 at Honors Convocation.

β€œHonors Convocation has always been one of my favorite events,” said Ron Seyb, associate dean of the faculty. β€œWhat makes it distinctive is the practice of having the three faculty who in the past year have received the most prestigious awards that faculty can receive from their colleagues read the citations composed for each prize recipient by their faculty mentors.

"The citations are usually not merely a list of accomplishments. They also feature arresting biographical details and charming observations and anecdotes about each student. The reading of the citations (and the audience’s reactions to them) is, to my mind, the clearest expression of the Skidmore faculty’s unflinching commitment to educating the whole student.”

Sociology professor Catherine White Berheide, recipient of the 2019 Edwin M. Moseley Lectureship; health and human physiological sciences professor Jeffrey O. Segrave, recipient of the 2019 Ralph A. Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching; and art history professor Penny H. Jolly, recipient of the 2019 Phyllis A. Roth Distinguished Faculty Service Award, read personalized messages about each student honoree at the ceremony.

 Here’s a look at this year’s honors, by the numbers:

2 students earned national merit awards for the 2018-19 academic year. Maria Isabel Nieves Bosch ’19 was the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship and Isabella Grace Ragonese ’17 was the recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Eight other students applied for or were nominated for a national merit award.

10 department and program prizes and opportunity awards were given out, some to two or three students each. These awards – from the Candace Carlucci Backus ’66 First-Year Experience Prize for exceptional work in a Scribner Seminar, to the Joanna Schneider Zangrando Fund to support projects in American studies and gender studies – are given for paper competitions, field and laboratory research, artistic projects and other creative endeavors and build on close faculty-student collaborative work.

67 academic awards and prizes were bestowed, from the Margaret Paulding Award in Dance to the Wall Street Journal Award for outstanding academic achievement in applied business management.

22 senior class members of the National Honor Society of Phi Beta Kappa were acknowledged. The society exists to encourage and recognize outstanding achievements in liberal arts education, and Skidmore was granted a charter in 1970.

25 senior class members of the Periclean Honors Forum were acknowledged. Through honors-designated courses, planned co-curricular activities and participation in community service, the forum strengthens intellectual life at Skidmore and provides positive leadership on and off campus.

283 members of national and international honor societies for specific areas of study, from the International Honor Society in History to the National Honor Society in Neuroscience, were recognized.

Here are this year’s recipients of individual prizes and awards:

Aimee Leigh-Anne Hall ’19

Aimee Leigh-Anne Hall ’19

Caren Lane Sass ’35 Award in Psychology: Established by Doris Hochstadter Haas ’35 in memory of her classmate Caren Lane Sass ’35, and awarded to the senior major in the Department of Psychology who shows great promise for future achievement.

Alexandra Jade Cassell ’19

Alexandra Jade Cassell ’19

Robert and Marcia DeSieno Prize for Excellence in Computer Science: Established by Professor of Computer Science Robert P. DeSieno, who joined the faculty in 1983, and Marcia Barrett DeSieno, and awarded annually to a student who displays excellence in the study of computer science.

Allison Jane Dalton ’19

Allison Jane Dalton ’19

Margaret Paulding Award in Human Physiological Sciences: Established in memory of Margaret Paulding, professor of physical education, 1937–73, and chair of the Department of Physical Education, 1958–68, to recognize outstanding student research in human physiology.

Ana Shoemate ’21

Ana Shoemate ’21

Henry T. Moore Prize in Political Science: Established in honor of Henry T. Moore, president of ·¬ΗΡΦ±²₯, 1925–57, and awarded to a political science major who has excelled in the study of international relations.

Ariel Michele Saloman ’19

Ariel Michele Saloman ’19

Miller/Reed Prize in Design: Established in memory of John L. Reed, professor of education, 1964–91, and Professor Doretta Miller’s parents, Robert and Dorothy Miller; awarded annually to a junior or senior major or minor in studio art who has demonstrated exceptional design and composition using traditional and/or digital media.

Blair Hannah Goldstein ’19

Blair Hannah Goldstein ’19

Amy Eisenberg ’72 Memorial Award: Established by Mr. and Mrs. Stanford E. Eisenberg in rememberance of their daughter, Amy Eisenberg ’72, and awarded to a junior or senior who submits a proposal for research in educational psychology.

Caite Linden Canfield ’19

Caite Linden Canfield ’19

Dorothy Dryfoos Olsan ’41 Prize in Jewelry and Metalsmithing: Established in memory of Dorothy Dryfoos Olsan ’41 and awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in jewelry and metalsmithing.

Carissa Ann Jaehnert ’19

Carissa Ann Jaehnert ’19

William E. Weiss Memorial Award in Economics: Established in honor of William E. Weiss, father of Arturo Peralta-Ramos III ’74, and awarded in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by two majors or combined majors in the field of economics.

Charlotte Judson Simon ’19

Charlotte Judson Simon ’19

American Studies Faculty Award: Awarded annually to a graduating senior for academic excellence and growth in the major.

Christina Pavlaki ’19

Christina Pavlaki ’19

Herman Joseph Muller Prize: Established by Helen T. Muller Rigo ’39 in memory of her father, and awarded to the outstanding senior major in the Department of Music.

Clare McInerney ’20

Clare McInerney ’20

Erwin L. Levine Prize in Political Science: Established in honor of Erwin L. Levine, professor of government, 1961–88, and awarded to a major in political science who has done outstanding work in political theory, preferably in American political thought.

Cristian D. Fernandez ’19

Cristian D. Fernandez ’19

Wall Street Journal Award: Awarded by the Department of Management and Business to a student whose outstanding academic achievement and interest in applied management have been evident throughout his or her career at Skidmore.

Damian Stuart Hammond ’19

Damian Stuart Hammond ’19

Seymour and Sylvia Goldman Memorial Prize: Established by the family of Seymour and Sylvia Goldman in their memory by their daughter and son-in-law, Linda Goldman Tanenbaum and Jay Tanenbaum ’60. Awarded to the outstanding senior in the Department of Management and Business.

Dayna Yvonne Daisy Joseph ’19

Dayna Yvonne Daisy Joseph ’19

Arts Administration Faculty Award: Awarded to a graduating senior with a minor in arts administration who has demonstrated academic excellence and shows extraordinary promise for a career in the field.

Edvinas Rupkus ’19

Edvinas Rupkus ’19

Gail Moran Morton ’60 Prize: Awarded to a junior or senior whose excellence in the business major has been combined with a particularly broad liberal arts program of study, and who demonstrates the humanistic concern for personal and community relationships that embodies the spirit of the liberal arts and that we associate with the memory of Gail Moran Morton ’60.

Elesa Ciera Davis ’19

Elesa Ciera Davis ’19

Hilda Bashevkin Betten ’39 and Morris H. Betten Award in Social Work: Awarded to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding interest and achievement in the study of social work at ·¬ΗΡΦ±²₯.

Emily Kate Einhorn ’19

Emily Kate Einhorn ’19

Jerome Solomon Ginsberg Memorial Award in International Affairs: Established by Professor Roy H. Ginsberg and family in memory of his father, Lt. Jerome Solomon Ginsberg (1928–62), who served in the U.S. Army of Occupation in Germany after World War II, and awarded to an international affairs junior or senior for academic excellence in the study of international affairs.

Emily Louise Gunter ’19

Emily Louise Gunter ’19

Helga B. Doblin Prize in Classics: Established to honor Helga B. Doblin, professor of German, linguistics, Greek, and Latin, 1966–81, and awarded to a senior classics major who has demonstrated academic excellence in ancient languages and literatures as well as classical civilization.

Emily Katherine O’Connor ’19

Emily Katherine O’Connor ’19

Dowd-Lester Award: Established in honor of the Dowd and Lester families to recognize an outstanding senior biology major or combined major.

Gabriella Gerlach ’19

Gabriella Gerlach ’19

Charlotte W. Fahey Prize: Established in honor of Charlotte W. Fahey, professor of chemistry, 1937–75, by her colleagues and friends, and awarded annually to two outstanding seniors in the Department of Chemistry.

Greta Binzen ’19

Greta Binzen ’19

Environmental Studies Faculty Award: Awarded to an outstanding graduating senior in environmental studies who, through academic achievement, community engagement, and leadership, demonstrates exceptional promise in addressing environmental issues.

Hayley Mulhern ’19

Hayley Mulhern ’19

E. Beverly Field Gender Studies Award: Established in honor of E. Beverly Field, professor of biology, 1943–74, by Sabra J. Hook and the Women’s Studies Committee, and given annually to a student who submits the most outstanding paper or project in the area of gender studies.

Hannah Agnes Fishman ’19

Hannah Agnes Fishman ’19

Susan Riley Gunderson ’64 Prize: Established by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Riley, and awarded to a major in political science for outstanding work in the field of American government.

Hannah Haines ’19

Hannah Haines ’19

O. Roger Gallagher Memorial Prize: Established by the family and friends of O. Roger Gallagher, professor of anthropology, 1959–75, and awarded annually to an outstanding student in anthropology.

Hannah Michelle Weighart ’19

Hannah Michelle Weighart ’19

Margaret Paulding Award in Dance: Established in memory of Margaret Paulding, professor of physical education and dance, 1937–73, and chair of the department, 1958–68, to recognize outstanding student leadership, performance, choreography, and/or research in dance.

Hansen Richart Jiu Hai Han ’19

Hansen Richart Jiu Hai Han ’19

Donald W. Pyle Memorial Award: Established in memory of Donald W. Pyle, assistant professor of biology, 1977–79, to recognize outstanding student research in biology.

Henry Marquess Stadler ’19

Henry Marquess Stadler ’19

Jo C. Hebard ’69 Memorial Prize: Awarded to an outstanding senior who, through academic achievement and community service, demonstrates particular promise of making a significant contribution in the field of health and human services.

Jamie Margaret Stonemetz ’19

Jamie Margaret Stonemetz ’19

Hartnett Prize in Neuroscience: Established in honor of Bill and Teresa Hartnett, who were strong proponents of undergraduate education, by their daughter, professor of psychology Mary Ann Foley, and awarded annually to a senior who conducts neuroscience research of outstanding quality.

Julia Fitzgerald Gillis ’19

Julia Fitzgerald Gillis ’19

Sonja P. Karsen Prize in Spanish: Established in honor of Sonja P. Karsen, professor of Spanish, 1957–87, by the Department of World Languages and Literatures, and awarded annually in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a senior major.

Juni Jeyran Ahari ’19

Juni Jeyran Ahari ’19

Sally Chapman Thompson ’48 Prize in Literature: Established by Kenneth Thompson in memory of Sally Chapman Thompson ’48, and awarded to the student who has excelled as a critic or scholar during his/her career as an English major.

Kaifeng Yang ’19

Kaifeng Yang ’19

Gladys Gillman Taylor ’48 Prize in Mathematics: Awarded to a junior or senior in mathematics for outstanding creative work. This work may be of various types, including independent or joint research, problem-solving, presentations at meetings, participation in competitions, or other activities which contribute to the intellectual life of the department.

Karen Elizabeth Hafter ’19

Karen Elizabeth Hafter ’19

Alice Farwell Warren Prize: Established in honor of Alice Farwell Warren, professor of history, 1937–62, by an anonymous donor, and awarded annually to an outstanding student in history.

Katherine Lily Salk ’19

Katherine Lily Salk ’19

Jesse Solomon Memorial Award: Given by Ann Laurie Solomon ’74 in honor of her father, and awarded to the senior who shows promise in painting.

Lirong Ma ’19

Lirong Ma ’19

William E. Weiss Memorial Award in Economics: Established in honor of William E. Weiss, father of Arturo Peralta-Ramos III ’74, and awarded in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by two majors or combined majors in the field of economics.

Lisa Webster Peters ’19

Lisa Webster Peters ’19

John P. Shepard Prize in Education Studies: Established by Virginia Payne Morse ’63 in memory of professor Jack Shepard, faculty member in the Department of Education, 1960–77, and director of the Elementary Education Program, 1960–66, and given to the student who has demonstrated outstanding performance, potential, and commitment to education and working with children, leadership among peers, and superior performance in both academic achievement and field work in education.

Maria Isabel Nieves Bosch ’19

Maria Isabel Nieves Bosch ’19

Mary Zeiss Stange Award in Religion: Established in honor of Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of women’s studies and religion, 1990-2016, by the Religious Studies Department and awarded annually in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a senior major.

Marley Anne Amico ’19

Marley Anne Amico ’19

Lynne L. Gelber Prize in French: Awarded to an outstanding senior French major.

Matthew Wolf Simkowitz ’19

Matthew Wolf Simkowitz ’19

Henry C. Galant Prize: Established in honor of Henry C. Galant, professor of government, 1954–86, and awarded to a political science major who has excelled in the study of comparative politics.

Maya Del Rosario ’20

Maya Del Rosario ’20

Krawiec Psychology Prize: Established in honor of Theophile S. Krawiec, professor of psychology, 1945–78, and awarded to a psychology major at the end of the junior year who has achieved excellence in work in the field.

Miranda Signe Coble ’19

Miranda Signe Coble ’19

Margaret Ellen Clifford Memorial Prize in Theater: Established in honor of Margaret Ellen Clifford, professor of theater and chair of the department, 1952–71, and awarded annually to an outstanding junior or senior theater major.

Monica D. Andrews ’19

Monica D. Andrews ’19

S. Michael Eigen ’87 Prize in Art History: Established by Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Eigen and awarded by the College on the recommendation of the Department of Art History to an outstanding art history major.

Nicole Wong ’21

Nicole Wong ’21

Denise Marcil ’74 Prize for Fiction Writing: Awarded annually to a student for a fiction manuscript or set of manuscripts that reveal sensitivity to theme, structure, characterization, and language found in serious fiction written in English.

Nkosingiphile Nonhlakanipho Mabaso ’19

Nkosingiphile Nonhlakanipho Mabaso ’19

Everett V. Stonequist Award: Established by the family and friends of Everett V. Stonequist, professor of sociology at Skidmore, 1930–70, and awarded annually to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding interest and achievement in the study of sociology at Skidmore.

Noelle Morrow ’19

Noelle Morrow ’19

Joseph Garrison Parker Prize: Established in honor of Joseph Garrison Parker, M.D., brother of Cyrena Parker Konecky ’46, and awarded to a junior or senior who not only excels in his or her science major but also shows promise in fine arts and/or music.

Olivia Rose Lipkin ’19

Olivia Rose Lipkin ’19

Sara Bennett ’92 Prize for Fiction: Established in memory of Sara Bennett ’92, and awarded to a student who has excelled in the writing of fiction.

Quinn Nicholas Valence ’19

Quinn Nicholas Valence ’19

Chinese Prize: Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by a junior or senior student of Chinese language and literature.

Rachel Adamsky ’19

Rachel Adamsky ’19

Mente Et Malleo Award: Awarded to a senior on the basis of excellence in independent research projects in geosciences.

Rachel Arianna Perez ’19

Rachel Arianna Perez ’19

Barbara Gruntal Allen ’35 Prize: Awarded to a student who has demonstrated excellence in the study of voice and has made a considerable contribution to the Department of Music and to the furtherance of musical activities at the College.

Rebekah Boone Clapham ’19

Rebekah Boone Clapham ’19

Michele Kelly ’72 Memorial Award: Established by Amy Eisenberg ’72 in honor of Michele Kelly ’72, and awarded annually to a student in the Department of Psychology on the basis of excellence in independent research within the department.

Robert Edward Heumann ’19

Robert Edward Heumann ’19

Environmental Science Faculty Award: Awarded to an outstanding graduating senior in environmental science who, through academic achievement, community engagement, and leadership, demonstrates exceptional promise in addressing environmental issues.

Samantha Rose Abrams ’19

Samantha Rose Abrams ’19

Krawiec Scholar: Established in honor of Theophile S. Krawiec, professor of psychology, 1945–78, and awarded annually to a graduating psychology major to support advanced study in the field.

Samantha Ricci Kenah ’19

Samantha Ricci Kenah ’19

Eleanor A. Samworth Prize in Physics: Established in honor of Eleanor A. Samworth, professor of chemistry, 1964–94, by her colleagues and friends, and awarded to an outstanding senior major in physics.

Sarah Mckeever Markley ’19

Sarah Mckeever Markley ’19

Theater Prize: Established by theater alumni and faculty and awarded in recognition of a senior theater major who has shown excellence and commitment within a particular concentration in the major.

Sofie Caroline Michalak ’19

Sofie Caroline Michalak ’19

Consulate General Prize in German: Awarded to an outstanding student of German.

Spencer James Anderson ’19

Spencer James Anderson ’19

Dante Award: Awarded for outstanding accomplishment by a student in Italian.

Siyuan Yu ’19

Siyuan Yu ’19

Nancy Beth Rautenberg ’83 Memorial Award: Given to a graduating senior sociology major who has combined commitment to the study of sociology at ·¬ΗΡΦ±²₯ with active student leadership.

Teague Banker Costello ’19

Teague Banker Costello ’19

Pamela Weidenman ’72 Memorial Prize: Awarded to an outstanding senior art major who has achieved excellence in lithography and/or printmaking.

Wesley K. Jansen ’19

Wesley K. Jansen ’19

Barbara Greene Wild Award in Ceramics: Awarded to a student who has excelled in ceramics.

Yao Xiao ’19

Yao Xiao ’19

Charlotte W. Fahey Prize: Established in honor of Charlotte W. Fahey, professor of chemistry, 1937–75, by her colleagues and friends, and awarded annually to two outstanding seniors in the Department of Chemistry.

Yue Peng ’19

Yue Peng ’19

Japanese Prize: Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by a junior or senior student of Japanese language and literature in the Department of World Languages and Literatures.

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