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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Faculty Meeting Minutes

April 24, 2015
Gannett Auditorium



President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m.


President Glotzbach asked if there were any corrections to, or comments regarding, the minutes of the Faculty Meeting held March 27, 2015.  Hearing none, he announced the minutes were approved.


President Glotzbach provided an update on this year's admission.  He reminded everyone that the deadline for deposits for the Class of 2019 is May 1.  We have had three very successful Accepted Candidate's Days, involving approximately 600 prospective students and their families.  He thanked Jane Riesman and Katie Kane for organizing and leading these activities.  In addition, 137 prospective students participated in this year's very successful Discovery Program, aimed at students who have demonstrated a combination of high financial need and great potential, including Opportunity Program candidates but many others as well.   Most, though by no means all, are students of color, and some are international.  President Glotzbach thanked Dean Mendes for directing the Discovery program and the others who help make the program a success—Julie DiRoma, Ariana Vacs-Renwick, and Derick Eng—as well as Nora Clark and the staff in the Opportunity Program who were also involved in the planning and execution of this Program.  President Glotzbach also thanked the many other members of the faculty, staff, and administration who participated in Discovery Program events.

President Glotzbach said that, overall, our Accepted Candidates Days involve virtually everyone from Admissions and Financial Aid, along with many others from the faculty, Student Affairs (including Athletics), and many other members of the staff and administration.  This is a great moment for all of us to take a broader institutional perspective than we sometimes do in our day-to-day work.  Thanking everyone for participating, President Glotzbach stated that these efforts are very important.  We frequently hear comments from prospective students that the Accepted Candidate's Days at Skidmore are better than what they see at other schools, and this does influence their decision to attend Skidmore.

Thereafter, President Glotzbach introduced Associate Professor Kyle Nichols, on behalf of the Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (CAPT), who provided an update on the administrative review of Dean Mary Lou Bates.  Associate Professor Nichols reported that Associate Professor Erica Bastress-Dukehart, who chaired the group who undertook the review of Dean Bates, and the President met with the members of CAPT to share the group's findings.

President Glotzbach then introduced Professor Greg Pfitzer.  On behalf of the Faculty Development Committee, Professor Pfitzer announced that the prestigious Ralph A. Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2015-16 has been awarded to Professor Barbara Black.  After a long congratulatory applause, Professor Pfitzer thanked those faculty members who were nominated and agreed to stand for consideration as well as those faculty members who took the time to nominate their colleagues.  President Glotzbach offered his congratulations to Professor Black on her award and thanked the members of the Faculty Development Committee for all their work.

In looking ahead to next fall, President Glotzbach stated that there are three major initiatives, all central to imagining Skidmore's bright future, converging in the fall: the Strategic Plan, the Middle States Self-Study, and the General Education reconstruction effort.   Arguably, this could be the most exciting moment for the College in decades.  It presents a real opportunity for us to engage the entire community–faculty, staff, students, and others–in broad and deep conversations about where we are going as an institution.   Ideally, we will see that ideas emerging from these three important projects are converging.  And, in fact, we are actively working to coordinate efforts between and among them.  These projects will all be coming back to the community for comment and further input early in the fall, following intense work that will occur over the summer.  We will be imaginative in developing ways to engage a broad range of community members in this work, and details will be forthcoming close to the fall.  President Glotzbach highlights this activity now, so that it will not come as a surprise and we can anticipate the opportunities that will occur in August and September.  It is President Glotzbach's hope that these three projects will generate a sense of excitement, pride, ownership, and commitment.


Beau Breslin, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs, offered his congratulations to Professor Barbara Black on her award and thanked everyone for all their great work this semester. 


On behalf of the Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (CAPT), Associate Professor Kyle Nichols read the following resolution into the record (see attached):

BE IT RESOLVED, that the faculty of ·¬ÇÑÖ±²¥ expresses its profound appreciation and admiration for the following members of the ·¬ÇÑÖ±²¥ Faculty who have this year expressed their determination to retire:

  • Lisa Aronson, Associate Professor, Department of Art History
  • Una Bray, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Ruth Copans, Librarian, Scribner Library
  • Joanne Devine, Professor, Department of English
  • Hugh Foley, Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Thomas Lewis, Professor, Department of English
  • Patricia Rubio, Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • Pierre von Kaenel, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Marc-André Wiesmann, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • Susan Zappen, Librarian, Scribner Library

The faculty further resolves that the biographical highlights of these members contained in the Retirement Citation booklet distributed at this meeting be included in the Faculty Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2015 in recognition and celebration of their distinguished service and achievement.

The assembly signaled their acclimation by applause.

Thereafter, College Librarian Ruth Copans delivered a tribute to Librarian Susan Zappen; Professor Hédi Jaouad delivered a tribute to Associate Professor Marc-André Wiesmann; Associate Professor Tom O'Connell delivered a tribute to Professor Pierre von Kaenel; Professor John Anzalone delivered a tribute to Professor Patricia Rubio; Associate Professor Mason Stokes delivered tributes to Professor Tom Lewis and Professor Joanne Devine; Associate Professor Denise Evert delivered a tribute to Professor Hugh Foley; Associate Librarian John Cosgrove delivered a tribute to College Librarian Ruth Copans; Professor Dan Hurwitz delivered a tribute to Professor Una Bray; and Associate Professor Mimi Hellman delivered a tribute to Associate Professor Lisa Aronson.   President Glotzbach presented each of the retirees with a gift, and a warm round of applause was given to each retiree.


Faculty Executive Committee

On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), Professor Mehmet Odekon read the following Motion that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (see attached):

MOTION: The Faculty Executive Committee proposes the following changes (off in red, on in blue) to the "Function" and "Membership" of CAFR, Periclean Honors Forum Council, and Athletic Council.

a. COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC FREEDOM and RIGHTS (CAFR) Elected Function: To serve as guardian of the academic freedom and rights of all members of the academic community; to receive inquiries and complaints concerning academic freedom and rights and to consider formal charges of violations of academic freedom and rights from any faculty member, student, administrator, trustee or from the CAPT; to advise and make appropriate recommendations to the President. The Operating Procedures of the CAFR are available from any member of the Committee. The CAFR meets annually, and whenever necessary in the pursuit of its functions, with the appropriate committee of the Board of Trustees.  Revisions to Part One of the Faculty Handbook Articles I - XI, XIV-XVI, and XVIII are reviewed by the CAFR for its recommendations prior to a faculty vote.

Membership: [Five] Four members of the Faculty, none of whom is on the CAPT, the Tenure Review Board, the CAS, or the FAB, at least [two] one of whom [are] is untenured at the time of [their] election and at least two of whom are tenured, each to serve a three-year term and each from a different department; and no more than [six] five students, selected by SGA. A member who has served a full three-year term is eligible for re-election after being out of office for two years; members who complete an unexpired term or serve an interim term in place of a regularly elected member on leave are immediately eligible for re-election provided their service did not exceed one calendar year.

b. PERICLEAN HONORS FORUM COUNCIL Elected Function: The ongoing responsibilities of the Periclean Honors Forum Council include reviewing applications for membership and inducting new members, monitoring the eligibility standards for current members, planning and sponsoring academic and co-curricular events, developing a sufficient number of courses and co-curricular events for inclusion among the "honors" resources, communicating with the wider community of students and faculty regarding Forum opportunities and the achievements of honors (and other) students, and assessing the effectiveness of the Honors Forum in achieving its goals.  Annually the Periclean Honors Forum Council will constitute the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee as follows:  two students [,] and [one] three faculty members [chosen from among]  of the Periclean Honors Forum Council not including the chair [members and three faculty members chosen in consultation between the Periclean Honors Forum Council and the Faculty Executive Committee].  The [four] three faculty members of the Periclean Scholar Award Sub-Committee shall elect a Chair from their membership.

Membership: Four faculty, three elected for three-year terms and one who chairs the Council and serves as Director of the Periclean Honors Forum for a four-year term; the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Campus Life; the Director of the First-Year Experience; and three students appointed from members of the Forum.

c. ATHLETIC COUNCIL Elected Function: To provide oversight and support for the athletic, fitness, physical activity, and recreation programs on campus; to advise the Dean of Student Affairs in articulating and espousing the vision for athletics, fitness and recreation at Skidmore, and to recommend policies regarding these programs; to work in conjunction with the President, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Athletic Director, the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), and the Advancement to assure productive links between athletic and academic programs; to evaluate the teaching of physical activity instructors and to review the physical activity program; and to assist in other matters relating to athletics, fitness, physical activity, and recreation, as may be brought to the Council's attention by the Athletic Director or by any other member or group of the College community.

Membership: [Three faculty members, each from a different department,] One faculty member elected to serve a three-year term[s]; two students; one selected by SGA and one representative from SAAC; the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or [his/her] a designee, the Dean of Student Affairs or [his/her] a designee, the National Collegiate Athletic Association Faculty Athletics Representative ex-Officio (voting); the Senior Woman Administrator (non-voting); and the Athletic Director (non-voting).

After reading the Motion, Professor Odekon made a Motion to amend the motion to delete the proposed changes to the Athletic Council.  The Motion to amend was seconded and passed by majority vote.  There being no further discussion, the Motion, as amended, was voted on and passed by majority vote.

Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure

On behalf of CAPT, Associate Professor Kyle Nichols read the following Motion that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (see attached):

MOTION:  The Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (CAPT) proposes the following changes (remove in red and insert in blue) to the "Procedures for Granting Tenure" (Part I, Article VIII, Section E, Number 5, i.) and "Procedures for Granting Promotion" (Part I, Article VIII, Section F, Number 2, a, xiii.)

Current language: "Procedures for Granting Tenure" (Part I, Article VIII, Section E, Number 5, i.)

i. Candidates for tenure (successful or unsuccessful) shall have access to all written materials in the tenure file immediately after the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs has made his/her recommendation known to the candidate. These materials may notbe photocopied.

Proposed language:

Candidates not recommended for tenure shall have access to all written materials in the tenure file immediately after the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs has made the recommendation known to the candidate. These materials may only be reproduced by hand written notes.

Candidates recommended for tenure shall have access to written materials in the tenure file immediately after the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs has made the recommendation known to the candidate, with the exception of solicited letters of evaluation written by department colleagues, colleagues internal to the college, or colleagues external to the college, which shall remain confidential. These materials may only be reproduced by hand written notes.


Current language: "Procedures for Granting Promotion" (Part I, Article VIII, Section F, Number 2, a, xiii.)

xiii. Candidates for promotion (successful or unsuccessful)shall have access to allwritten materials in the promotion file immediately after the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs has made his/herrecommendation known to the candidate, with the exception of external letters of evaluation, which shall remain confidential. These materials may notbe photocopied.

Proposed language:

xiii. Candidates (recommended or not recommended) for promotion shall have access to written materials in the promotion file immediately after the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs has made the recommendation known to the candidate, with the exception of solicited letters of evaluation written by department colleagues, colleagues internal to the college, and colleagues external to the college, which shall remain confidential. These materials may only be reproduced by hand written notes.

Discussion was held concerning the timing of this Motion with CAPT's memo that was recently issued about who should write letters, what letters are available to candidates to review based upon these proposed changes, the broader issue that faculty do not feel they can write honest letters and provide valuable feedback, and the possibility of a chair's consensus letter.  Following discussion, a Motion to table CAPT's motion was made and seconded.  Following points of clarification, the Motion to table CAPT's motion was voted on and passed by majority vote.

On behalf of CAPT, Associate Professor Kyle Nichols read the following Motion that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (see attached):

MOTION:The Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (CAPT) proposes the following changes (in red) to the "Appeal of Negative Tenure Decisions" Part I, Article VIII, Section E, Number 7, b and f.

7. Appeal of Negative Tenure Decisions

b. The Tenure Appeal Committee will hear testimony from an advocate designated by the candidate. The advocate may be a person in the candidate's department, the candidate's Chair, a Skidmore faculty member outside the candidate's department, or someone outside the College. The advocate may not be an attorney.  By request, the advocate may be informed why tenure was not initially recommended by CAPT and/or the President at a joint meeting of the President, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Personnel, Development, and Diversity, the Chair of CAPT, the candidate, and the advocate. The advocate, in the presence of the candidate, has the right of access but may not photocopy the materials which CAPT had in its original deliberations. Whenever testimony is given by the candidate or the advocate, both shall be present.

f. The Tenure Appeal Committee shall convey its written recommendation based on a simple majority vote of the nine members to the President upon completing its deliberations.

There being no discussion on the Motion, the Motion was voted on and passed by majority vote.

Tenure Review Board

On behalf of the Tenure Review Board, Professor Mary Odekon read the following Motion that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (see attached):

MOTION:  The Tenure Review Board proposes the following modifications to Faculty Handbook section VIII.E.6, "Review of Negative Tenure Decisions."

6. Review of Negative Tenure Decisions a.  A faculty member who is denied tenure but believes that his or her case received inadequate consideration may petition the Tenure Review Board ("TRB") for a review. Such a review must be requested by January 15th of the year following the semester in which CAPT considered the case, or within 15 days of notification of denial of tenure, whichever is later. The candidate must submit to the TRB a letter stating in a clear and precise concise manner exactly how the consideration of the case is perceived as having been inadequate.

c.  The Tenure Review Board will have at its disposal all of the materials contained in the original tenure file which was available to CAPT, together with the letter referred to in section a above. No other materials may be added, and the TRB will restrict its inquiry to the area or areas of consideration claimed in the candidate's letter to have been inadequate. The TRB may consult with CAPT; members of the candidate's department; and/or the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs; the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Personnel, Development, and Diversity; and others deemed necessary by the TRB to assess the petition if necessary. The Board shall be bound by confidentiality.

There being no discussion on the Motion, the Motion was voted on and passed by majority vote.

Natural Science Chairs and Program Directors

On behalf of the Natural Science Chairs and Program Directors, Professor Mary Odekon read the following Motion that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (see attached):

MOTION:  The Natural Science Chairs and Program Directors move that the title of Teaching Associate be changed to Instructor.   This change will apply to every instance of "Teaching Associate" in the Faculty Handbook, including the change from "Senior Teaching Associate" to "Senior Instructor" and from "Visiting Teaching Associate" to "Visiting Instructor."   The Natural Science Chairs and Program Directors also move that the existing title "Visiting Instructor" be changed to "Visiting Lecturer."

There being no discussion on the Motion, the Motion was voted on and passed by majority vote.

Committee on Educational Policies and Planning and Institutional Policy and Planning Committee

On behalf of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP), Professor Peter von Allmen read the following joint Motion between CEPP and the Institutional Policy and Planning Committee (IPPC) that was introduced at the last Faculty Meeting (see attached):

MOTION: CEPP and IPPC move that the faculty recommend to the administration that Skidmore terminate its Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program (MALS) program; and that the process of termination extend for a reasonable period of transition to allow currently enrolled students to complete their degree requirements.

In anticipation of the closing of the MALS program, Associate Professor Grace Burton suggested that the faculty recognize all the people who have worked in the MALS program, especially Sandy Welter, who has been with the MALS program since the beginning.   An appreciatory round of applause was given in Ms. Welter's honor.  There being no further discussion, the Motion was voted on and passed by majority vote.


On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), Professor Mehmet Odekon introduced the following Motion (see attached):

MOTION: FEC proposes the sentence (in blue) be added to the function of the Faculty Executive Committee.


Function: To act as the primary conduit of information and ideas into and out of the Faculty concerning all-College issues and policies; to oversee faculty governance and faculty participation in all-College governance.

FEC fosters communication within the Faculty, via both reports to the Faculty Meeting and organization of other faculty discussion meetings and forums, about all-College issues and policies.  The chair of the FEC shall sit on the IPPC in order to strengthen communication between the two committees.  FEC, together with IPPC and SGA, is responsible for the proper constitution of all-College committees and subcommittees.

FEC is responsible for coordinating the faculty governance cycle.  FEC is responsible for ensuring the proper constitution of faculty committees:  it solicits nominations for, conducts elections for, and makes appointments to faculty and all-College committees; it provides advice and oversight of procedures regarding faculty appointments to search committees for senior administrative positions; and it maintains a list of all faculty members on all committees.  FEC appoints an additional member to a committee if and when requested by the committee because of unusual workload. In addition, FEC reviews operating codes of all faculty committees and maintains files of annual committee reports, and FEC is responsible for ensuring that the text of the Faculty Handbook appears and remains precisely as approved by the Faculty.

FEC convenes the Committee of Committees (comprising faculty members of FEC, IPPC, CAPT, CAFR, CEPP, Curriculum Committee, FDC, and any current ad hoc committees whose presence FEC believes would be helpful to the Committee) at least twice a year to assess the interactions among member committees and between them and the administration, and to discuss ongoing issues and any problems in committee operations. FEC is then required to inform the Faculty at large of the issues raised by the Committee of Committees.

Finally, FEC posts Board of Trustee Meeting minutes on its web page. (In addition, CAPT, CAFR, and the Chair of CEPP meet annually with the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees.)

Membership: Four members of the Faculty elected to serve three year terms.

Brief discussion was held on concerning the unusual workload clause for appointing an additional member to a committee.  The Motion will lie over until the next Faculty meeting.

On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), Professor Mehmet Odekon introduced the following Motion (see attached):

MOTION: FEC proposes the following changes to the membership of the Faculty Advisory Board (off in red, on in blue):

FACULTY ADVISORY BOARD (FAB) Appointed Function:  To provide a pool of  faculty peers to staff an Advisory Panel (AP, see below), which is convened in the formal investigation of a discrimination or harassment charge made against a member of the faculty; or to staff a Grievance Panel (GP, see below), which is convened when a member of the Faculty appeals disciplinary sanctions, based upon charges of professional incompetence, neglect of duties, professional misconduct, or personal misconduct or when the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Personnel, Development, and Diversity believes dismissal of a member of the Faculty is warranted, based upon charges of professional incompetence, neglect of duties, professional misconduct, or personal misconduct;  to provide faculty to hearings related to sexual and gender-based misconduct; if and when needed, to provide three members to serve on the Administrative Hearing Board and one member to serve as Faculty representative in cases of academic integrity violations.

Membership: [Eight] Five members of the faculty, at least [six] three of whom must be tenured and two of whom may be untenured at the time of appointment, serving overlapping three-year terms.  These members will be appointed by the FEC in consultation with the Dean of Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and trained by Human Resources in matters of discrimination, harassment, and disciplinary proceedings. FAB members will have additional training on sexual and gender-based misconduct by the Dean of Student Affairs Office. Appointments will be based on an initial willingness-to-serve pool, the vote of the faculty, and, when necessary, the need for appointing a representative FAB.  Members of the FAB may not serve concurrently on the CAFR, the CAPT or the TRB.  The FAB will select its chair from its membership.

There were no information questions raised.  The Motion will lie over until the next Faculty meeting.

On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), Professor Mehmet Odekon introduced the following Motion (see attached):

MOTION: FEC proposes to eliminate Part Three, Section II (Integrity Board) from the Faculty Handbook and sequence the remaining sections in Part Three accordingly.   There were no information questions raised.  The Motion will lie over until the next Faculty meeting.


  • DOF/VPAA Breslin invited everyone to the special retirement reception in the Tang immediately following the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Debra L. Peterson
Executive Administrative Assistant