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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Faculty Meeting Minutes

November 7, 2014
Gannett Auditorium



President Glotzbach was unable to attend this faculty meeting; therefore, Beau Breslin, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs, chaired the meeting. DOF/VPAA Breslin called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.


DOF/VPAA Breslin asked if there were any corrections to, or comments regarding, the minutes of the Faculty Meeting held October 10, 2014.  Hearing none, he announced the minutes were approved.


DOF/VPAA Breslin acknowledged Board Chair Linda Toohey's presence at the faculty meeting and thanked her for her attendance.  He then provided an update on the annual Northeast Deans conference that he attended this week held at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.  He noted that the Northeast Deans conference brings together the chief academic officers of 30-35 northeast liberal arts colleges.  The topics discussed at this conference were Title IX and shared governance; thereafter, there was an open conversation about current issues in the academy and best practices.   Some of the issues discussed were attendance at faculty meetings, faculty committee structures, transition/annual rotation of department chairs, open period for peer review of teaching, and students majoring in divisions rather than departments. Overall, DOF/VPAA Breslin was happy to report that, compared to some of our peer and aspirant institutions, Skidmore is in a great place at the moment.

Thereafter, DOF/VPAA Breslin reintroduced Dan Rodecker, Facilities Services; Nancy Bruno, Human Resources; and Jane Kjaer, Scribner Library.


There was no old business.


On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee, Professor Mehmet Odekon introduced the following Motion (see attached) and explained the background for the basis of the Motion:

MOTION: The Faculty Executive Committee proposes that the attached "F. FACULTY GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE" [Attachment I] replace the existing Part Two, Section II, F in the Faculty Handbook and that subsections F, 16 and F, 17 be relabeled as G and H, respectively.

If approved, "1. The Service Cycle" will go into effect beginning September 2016.

Also, if approved, "The Service Cycle" shall be re鈥恊valuated in seven years, i.e. in 2023-24.

Brief clarification was requested concerning the rationale of the Motion. There being no further discussion, the Motion will lie over until the next meeting.

On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee, Professor Mehmet Odekon introduced the following Motion (see attached)

MOTION: The Faculty Executive Committee proposes that the attached "The Council" [Attachment II] be inserted in the Faculty Handbook, Part Two, Section II as F.2 and the subsequent subsection be renumbered accordingly.

If approved, "The Council" will go into effect beginning September 2016.

Also, if approved, the Faculty Council shall be re鈥恊valuated in seven years, i.e. in 2023-24.

Brief discussion was held concerning the role of The Council. There being no further discussion, the Motion will lie over until the next meeting.


DOF/VPAA Breslin reported that the Board of Trustees approved the design of the new Center for Integrated Sciences (CIS) at its most recent Board meeting.  Thereafter, Professor Kim Frederick shared an interactive animation of the design of the CIS.  Following the presentation, brief discussion was held concerning the construction timetable and the status of fundraising for the project.


A Committee of the Whole was held to discuss curricular proposals brought by the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP).  Professor Mehmet Odekon was appointed as chair of the Committee of the Whole.  A 30-minute time limit was set.  At the conclusion of the Committee of the Whole, Professor Odekon rose and reported that a discussion on CEPP's curricular proposals was held.


  • On behalf of the Center for Leadership in Teaching and Learning, DOF/VPAA Breslin reminded everyone of the invitation sent by Associate Professor Bastress-Dukehart for a workshop to be conducted by Peter Seldin next Friday and encouraged anyone who has not responded to her invitation to please do so.  A reminder invite will be sent by email shortly.
  • Associate Professor Deb Hall announced Project VIS' keynote speaker, Chip Kidd, will give a presentation on the importance of visual literacy on November 13.  Northshire Bookstore is working with Project VIS, and there will be a book signing after his presentation.
  • Professor John Anzalone announced new courses for the spring 2015 semester under the Documentary Studies Collaborative; all these courses are supported by the Mellon grant.
  • Professor Peter von Allmen reminded everyone of the integrative teaching and research event at the Tang to be held on November 21.  A further reminder will be sent via email shortly.
  • Associate Professor Paul Sattler invited everyone to a reception in the Schick Art Gallery hosted by Advancement, the Schick Art Gallery, and the Art Department immediately following the faculty meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.


Debra L. Peterson
Executive Administrative Assistant