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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


December 6, 2013
Gannett Auditorium


 I. Approval of Minutes - November 1, 2013

II. President's Report - Philip A. Glotzbach

  • Faculty Development Committee - Alice Dean
  • Q&A with President Glotzbach

III. Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs' Report - Beau Breslin

IV. Conferral of Degrees and Honors


V. Old Business

• Committee on Educational Policies and Planning – Peter von Allmen

  • Update on Review of General Education Requirements
  • Review of New Evaluation Forms Report

VI. New Business

VII. Other

• Fundraising Campaign Presentation - Kim Verstandig

VII. Announcements 

  • FYE Summer Reading - Janet Casey
  • AVD Updates - Janet Casey
  • McCormack Residency - Paul Calhoun
  • MALS Update – Jacquie Scoones
  • Curriculum Committee - Shirley Smith
  • Invitation to Skidmore Cares Holiday Open House - President Glotzbach