ࡱ> 352{ bjbjzz 1$EFF8 ***[]]]]]]$z,**d**[[*`)/i"G040XF f: Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) Revised Motion on Faculty Handbook Part Two, Article II, Section F. Faculty Advisory Board (FAB) and Advisory Panel (AP) February 29, 2008 REVISED MOTION: The Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) moves that the Faculty of ֱ approve the following changes to Part Two, Article II, Section F of the Faculty Handbook, pending the Facultys adoption of the newly-revisedamended Part Six. 14. FACULTY ADVISORY BOARD (FAB) Appointed Function: To provide a pool of faculty peers to staff an Advisory Panel (AP, see below), which is convened in the formal investigation of a discrimination or harassment charge made against a member of the faculty. Membership: Six tenured members of the faculty, at least four of whom must be tenured and two of whom may be untenured at the time of election, serving overlapping three-year terms. These members will be initially elected by the Faculty following a willingness-to-serve call, subsequently appointed by the FEC in consultation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and trained by Human Resources in matters of discrimination and harassment. Members of the FAB may not serve concurrently on the CAFR, the CAPT, or the TRB. 15. ADVISORY PANEL (AP) Appointed Function: To provide the Assistant Director for Equal Employment Opportunity and Workforce Diversity (ADEWD) with advice, suggestions, and comments during the formal investigation of a discrimination or harassment charge made against a member of the faculty; to participate, with the guidance of the ADEWD, in interviews of the complainant, the respondent, and relevant witnesses (or in lieu of participation to review all documents pertaining to the charge, if the complainant or the respondent so requests and both parties agree); to review the ADEWDs final report and to ensure that the views of the AP are represented therein; to uphold the strictest standards of confidentiality both during and after an investigation. (See further Part Six, Article VII, Sections D, E, and F.) Membership: Two members of the Faculty Advisory Board (FAB, see above) selected by the ADEWD, and subject to the following restrictions. A faculty member may not serve on an AP if he or she is from the same department, program, or office as the complainant or the respondent, has a conflict of interest, or is recused by either the complainant or the respondent. In such instances the ADEWD will select replacements from the FAB. If there are no eligible faculty remaining on the FAB, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Chair of FEC will provide replacements from the faculty at large; any such replacements will receive training appropriate to the charge. If the complainant is a staff member, the AP will be augmented with two members chosen from the Staff Advisory Board (SAB), which is established by the Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources and consists of staff members trained in matters of discrimination and harassment. The two staff members of the AP are subject to restrictions similar to those of the two faculty members. 1416. AD HOC COMMITTEES [no changes to the subsequent text already in the Handbook] 1517. OTHER COMMITTEES [no changes to the subsequent text already in the Handbook] RATIONALE FOR THE REVISIONS: This is a response to comments made by two faculty members at the February 8 Faculty Meeting, and by others thereafter. As noted in the rationale for the amendments to Part Six, Article VII, Section E, adding an election to the process of staffing the FAB gives the Faculty a voice in choosing its representatives. The process still includes appointment to ensure that the FAB will be as representative of the Faculty as possible. The stricture that all members of the FAB must be tenured has now been loosened, both to maximize participation by faculty members and to ensure a duly representative FAB. ORIGINAL RATIONALE: If the Faculty adopts the new version of Handbook Part Six, then the Faculty must also establish the FAB and the AP. Neither committee exists at present, and both will be needed to provide peer review in formal investigations of discrimination or harassment charges. Since these are primarily faculty committees, their rightful home is in Part Two of the Handbook, changes to which require the vote of the Faculty. Changes to the current numbers 14 and 15 are basic housekeeping, necessitated by the insertion of the FAB and AP descriptions before them. If the Faculty does not adopt Part Six, this motion will be withdrawn. If the Faculty adopts Part Six and approves this motion, FEC will add the FAB and the AP to the appointed committees in Round Four (late spring 2008), with staggered terms already in place.     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[ @Verdana7.@Calibri5. .[`)TahomaACambria Math"1hGG5 ¦ " "!42HX ?2!xx 4Faculty Advisory Board (FAB) and Advisory Panel (AP)Dan Curley and Krista Anders Mark FermannOh+'0 ( H T ` lx8Faculty Advisory Board (FAB) and Advisory Panel (AP) Dan Curley and Krista Anders Normal.dotmMark Fermann2Microsoft Office Word@F#@^_d@t /@t /՜.+,0( hp  Hewlett-Packard"  5Faculty Advisory Board (FAB) and Advisory Panel (AP) Title  !#$%&'()+,-./014Root Entry Ff/61TableWordDocument1$SummaryInformation("DocumentSummaryInformation8*CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q