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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


March 30, 2007
Gannett Auditorium

I. Approval of Minutes - February 2, 2007

II. President’s Report – Philip A. Glotzbach

III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report – Susan Kress

I. Kate Leavitt - FDC - Moseley 2008 Lectureship

IV. Diversity at Skidmore: SGA Update – Philip A. Glotzbach

I. Fred Braunstein - SGA Coordinator for Diversity
II. Dan Moran – SGA President

V. Old Business

I. CEPP Motions:

I. Matt Hockenos – Writing Proposal
II. Beau Breslin – Cardozo Law School

II. FEC – Dan Curley – Withdrawal of Motion to Approve Part Six of the 2006-07 Faculty Handbook

VI. New Business

I. CEPP – Beau Breslin – Motion - Proportional Tenure Track Lines
II. CAPT – Mary Lynn - Motions:

I. Proposal for Proportional Tenure Track Lines
II. Proposal for Fractional Lines

III. FEC – Dan Curley – CAFR’s proposal on Dismissal of Tenured Faculty Faculty Handbook - Part One, Article X

VII. Other

VIII. Announcement

I. Michael West – Invitation to community reception in Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, 2nd Floor Atrium - hosted by the Office of the Vice President for Finance & Administration