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Center for Leadership, Teaching and Learning (CLTL)

October Events in the Center for Leadership, Teaching, and Learning

New Faculty Learning Community

Date: Friday, September 30, 2016
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Weller Room (212 Library)

All new faculty are invited to join the NFLC for the first conversation of the year. On Friday we will be talking about campus culture(s) and faculty development opportunities.

Teaching Toolbox Talk with Chris Vecsey, Neuroscience

Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Weller Room (212 Library)

Strip Sequences in the Classroom?

Chris will offer a hands-on workshop on Strip Sequences, a process he uses to help students better understand sequences of events regardless of the course or discipline. Bring your lunch and join Chris for this fun and interactive event! The CLTL will provide coffee and dessert.

October Faculty-to-Faculty Presentations

Nurcan Atalan-Helicke, Environmental Studies

Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Weller Room (212 Library)

Transformation of the Agricultural and Food System in Turkey

As an upper middle-income country and the world’s seventh largest agricultural producer, Turkey is well integrated into global markets. Turkey’s agricultural system has gone through significant changes since the 1960s. However, most recent changes due to the World Bank Agricultural Restructuring Program and European Union accession process since 2000 has brought about legislative, socio-economic, and political changes that have undermined the livelihoods of small farmers. Based on qualitative research carried out in Turkey since 2007, Nurcan will discuss the implications of agricultural transformation on the food system, how farmers decide on the cultivation of different wheat varieties, and how consumers negotiate access to clean and healthy food.

Please RSVP to bastress@skidmore.edu if you would like to attend Nurcan’s talk.

Chris Mann, Political Science

Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Weller Room (212 Library)

The Experimental Revolution in Modern Political Campaigns

Political campaigns have long been the domain of the savvy politician and the clever operative, but modern campaigns are increasingly driven by data analysis. Although many of the activities of campaigns look the same—door-to-door canvassing, phone calls, direct mail, and television ads—they are now shaped by rigorous experimental research. Cutting edge campaigns now routinely use large scale field experiments to determine the most effective way of communicating with their target audience. Chris’ talk will give an overview of this revolution in political campaigns and highlight several of his field experiments about political communication and voting behavior conducted in partnership with civic and political organizations.

Please RSVP to bastress@skidmore.edu if you would like to attend Chris’ timely presentation.

MDOCS/CLTL Workshops

Map Storytelling with Tom Hart

Date: Friday, October 14, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: GIS Lab

Getting Data on a Map: Google Mapping Tools

You may already use Google maps and Google Earth Pro for driving directions. In this workshop, learn how to tap into these free online resources to map all sorts of information. Get an introduction to Google Maps and Google Earth Pro mapping engines, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the GIS center, good map design, web publishing, and collaborating to bring mapping into class. Participants will acquire tools to find data and quickly produce maps from the information gleaned with the workshop case study, mapping lead levels in Flint, Michigan. Participants will have the opportunity to map their own data. Reach out to Tom Hart for advice on formatting if this is of interest.

Preparation: A Google account is required. Familiarity with Microsoft Excel is helpful.

Using Audio Guides in Class with Dan Curley and Greg Spinner

Date: Monday, October 24, 2016
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Location: Library 113

Walking Tours and More

You've seen them before: That Group of students and teachers on a field trip, shouting themselves hoarse in an effort to be heard in a museum or on a city street. Perhaps you and your class have been That Group, and have worried whether you've  ruined the ambience for other patrons and passers-by. Worry no more! Thanks to the MDOCS audio tour equipment, you too can craft an excursion that allows everyone in your group to be heard and leaves those outside your group in peace. This workshop will detail best practices for integrating audio gear into your next museum visit, travel seminar, or Northwoods ventures and will offer hands-on field demonstrations of the MDOCS equipment. Bring your ear buds, and leave the shouting behind.

Using the Web for Academic Projects with Sarah Sweeney

Date: Monday, November 7, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Library 113

Web Design and Structure

This workshop provides an overview of web design for academic or student projects, with an introduction to approaches to the architecture of a website as a system of navigation and textual, visual, and media content. We will also discuss basics of visual design.

MDOCS Workshop: DSLR Photography Basics

Date: Friday, October 28, 2016
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Library 113

Still stuck in the auto-function of your DSLR camera? Learn the basics of DSLR photography and get some tips on how to create more engaging, lively images. Led by Eric Jenks, Skidmore alum and Capital region photojournalist. RSVP to mdocs@skidmore.edu if you would like to participate in this workshop.

CLTL Funding Opportunities

Course Development Stipends

This year the CLTL is offering six stipends in the amount of $1500 each for the development (or significant reorganization) of courses that focus on issues of social justice. The Center is particularly interested in courses that utilize texts/artistic works/productions of underrepresented voices/groups.

The CLTL also has three stipends available in the amount of $1500 each for the development (or significant reorganization) of courses that have blended learning and/or innovative pedagogy components. The latter might include flipped classrooms, student-centered pedagogies, peer-centered learning strategies, etc.

If you are interested in applying for a course development stipend, please submit a brief (one or two page) proposal to bastress@skidmore.edu describing the course you plan to develop or significantly revise. Assuming the proposal is approved, the CLTL will distribute $500 at that point. The remaining $1000 will be distributed once Curriculum Committee approves the course. Finally, we ask that you offer the course no later than the 2018-2019 academic year.

Faculty Interest Groups

Faculty Interest Groups (FIGs) offer informal opportunities for faculty to engage in conversations regarding scholarship, pedagogy, mentoring, and other topics of mutual interest. They have also proven to be wonderful moments for networking. The CLTL has funds available to help groups purchase materials and/or to bring in speakers. Please contact bastress@skidmore.edu if you would like to start a FIG.

Erica Bastress-Dukehart
Associate Professor, History
Director, Center for Leadership, Teaching, and Learning
518 580 5265
Email: bastress@skidmore.edu
Website: /center-leadership/Index.php