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Department of Chemistry
Juan Navea

Juan Navea

Professor of Chemistry

Office: CIS 310i
Phone: 518-580-8126
Email: jnavea@skidmore.edu


  • B.S. 2000, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Ph.D. 2006, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, 2006-2009, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

At Skidmore since 2013


The Navea research group combines state-of-the-art experimental techniques with theoretical methods to study the impact of particulate matter in the chemical balance of the atmosphere. Although the atmosphere consists primarily of gases, atmospheric particles, or aerosols, play significant roles in shaping the chemical and physical conditions of the lower atmosphere. These atmospheric particles can originate from dust storms, volcanos, or even human activities. Despite of the paramount importance of atmospheric particles, little is known about the reactions that take place on their surface and how they affect climate. To understand these surface reactions, it is required to combine surface, aqueous, and gas phase analysis, under conditions that allows the simulation of nighttime and daytime chemistry. In our laboratory we have developed the experimental and computational methods required to achieve these studies. Our primary goal is to investigate, at a molecular level, the interaction between aerosols and the atmosphere, and understand the climate impact of atmospheric particulate matter. For instance, using our own photochemical reactor system, our research group recently confirmed that surface reactivity on aerosols affects the nitrogen cycle, with important climate implications. We are now investigating the effects of sun light in these surface-mediated reactions.


  • CH 125 Principles of Chemistry
  • CH 331 Physical Chemistry I
  • CH 333 Physical Chemistry II
  • CH 351 Atmospheric & Environmental Chemistry
  • CH 385 Research Methods in Chemistry

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (*Indicates undergraduate co-authors)

  • S. Mora-Garc铆a, S. Pandit, J. G. Navea, V. H. Grassian. 鈥淗ONO Formation from Irradiation of Aqueous Nitrate Solutions in the Presence of Marine Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter: Comparison to Other Organic Photosensitizers.鈥 ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 2021. 5, 11, 3056鈥3064, doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00292.
  • A. Leonardi, H. M. Ricker, A. G. Gale, B. T. Ball, T. T. Odbadrakh, G. Shields, J. G. Navea. Particle formation and surface processes on atmospheric aerosols: a short review of applied quantum chemical calculations. Int. J. Quant. Chem. 2020. e26350. DOI:10.1002/qua.26350
  • D. Drapanauskaite, K. Buneviciene, R. Repsiene, R. Mazeika, J. G. Navea, and J. Baltrusaitis. Physicochemical characterization of pelletized lime kiln dust as potential liming material for acidic soils. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 2020.
  • ACS Earth & Space ChemistryD. Kim, Y. Xiao, R. Karchere-Sun, E. Richmond, H. M. Ricker, A. Leonardi, J. G. Navea. Atmospheric processing of anthropogenic combustion particles: Iron mobility and nitrite formation from fly ash. ACS Earth and Space Chem. 2020. 4, 5, 750鈥761 doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00057. (Featured in the cover of the journal).
  • C. A. Vilchis-Nestor, M. L. Rold谩n, A. Leonardi*, J. G. Navea, T. Padilla-Benavides, L. Shoshani. Ouabain enhances cell-cell adhesion mediated by 尾1 subunits of the Na+,K+-ATPase in CHO fibroblasts. Int. J. Molec. Sci. 2019. 20(9), 2111.
  • J. V. G. Shellaina鈥, Y. Xiao*鈥, A. L. Paskavitz*, N. Navarro-Tito, J. G. Navea, T. Padilla-Benavides. Atomic absorbance spectroscopy as a tool to measure intracellular Zn pools in mammalian cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2019. (147), e59519. 鈥燗uthors contributed equally to the work.
  • Journal of Physical Chemistry 2018
  • C. J. Ostaszewski*, N. Stuart*, D. M. B. Lesko*, D. Kim*, M. Lueckheide* and J. G. Navea. Effects  of coadsorbed water on the heterogeneous photochemistry of nitrates adsorbed on TiO2. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018. 122, 31, 6360-6371. (Featured as a Supplementary Cover article and in The Journal of Physical Chemistry virtual issue 鈥淧hysical Chemistry Research at Undergraduate Institutions).
  • A. L. Paskavitz*, J. Quintana-Gonzalez, C. Tavera, Y. Xiao*, J. G. Navea, T. Padilla-Benavides. Differential expression of zinc transporters accompanies the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts.  Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.
  • Borgatta, J.*, Paskavitz, A. L.*, Kim, D.* Navea, J. G. Comparative evaluation of iron leach from fly ash from different source regions under atmospherically relevant conditions. Environmental Chemistry. 2016. In Press.
  • Lesko, D. M. B.*, Coddens, E. M,*, Swomley, H. D.,* Welch, R. M,* Borgatta, J.* and Navea, J. G. Heterogeneous Photochemistry of Nitrate Chemisorbed on Various Metal Oxides. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015, 17, 20775 - 20785
  • Ancutiene, I. Navea, J. G., and Baltrusaitis, J. Surface structural, chemical and optical properties of polyethylene-copper sulfide composite materials synthesized using sorption-diffusion of polythionic acid. Applied Surface Science. 347, 2015, 520鈥527.
  • Borgatta, J.* and Navea, J. G. Fate of Aqueous Iron Leached from Tropospheric Aerosols during Atmospheric Acidic Processing: Study of the Effect of Humic-Like Substances. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. Vol. 198. 2015. 155-166
  • Welch, R. M*, Coddens, E. M*, Navea, J. G. Vibrational spectroscopy and quantum mechanics calculations of nitric acid chemisorbed on 纬-Al2O3 and TiO2. Proceedings of the 106 A&WMA Annual Conference. 2012 (3)
  • J. G. Navea, S. Xu, M. A. Young, V. H. Grassian, and C. O. Stanier. Sensitivity Studies of the Atmospheric Fate of Cyclic Methylsiloxanes: Gas-Phase and Gas- Particle Box Modeling of Octamethylcyclotetra-siloxane (D4) and Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5). Atmospheric Environment. 2011. 45, 3181鈥3191
  • H. Chen, J. G. Navea, M. A. Young, and V. H. Grassian. Heterogeneous Photochemistry of Trace Atmospheric Gases on Components of Mineral Dust Aerosol. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2011. 115(4), 490-499
  • J. G. Navea, M. Huang, G. R. Carmichael, and V. H. Grassian. Comparative Evaluation of Water Uptake and Water Adsorption Isotherms on Authentic Samples of Mineral Dust. Environmental Chemistry. 2010, 7, 162-170.
  • J. G. Navea, C. O. Stanier, S. Xu, M. A. Young, and V. H. Grassian. Effect of Ozone Adsorption on the Heterogeneous Uptake of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) on Components of Atmospheric Dust and the Effect of RH. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009, 13, 7030-7038
  • J. G. Navea, C. O. Stanier, S. Xu, M. A. Young, and V. H. Grassian. Heterogeneous Uptake of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) on Aerosol Surfaces and the Effect of Relative Humidity. Atmospheric Environment 2009, 43, 4060-4069.
  • P. Galhotra, J. G. Navea, S. C. Larsen, V. H. Grassian. Transmission FTIR of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in Zeolite Y. Energy & Environ. Sci. 2009, 2, 401-409.


  • S. Mora-Garc铆a, S. Pandit, J. G. Navea, V. H. Grassian. 鈥淗ONO Formation from Irradiation of Aqueous Nitrate Solutions in the Presence of Marine Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter: Comparison to Other Organic Photosensitizers.鈥 Abstract to papers, ACS National Meeting & Exposition. San Diego, CA, March 2022.
  • C. Szady, G. Picarillo, D. Drapanauskaite, K. Buneviciene, J. Baltrusaitis, and J G. Navea. 鈥淓ffect of pH in Iron Mobility from Aqueous Suspensions of Kiln Dust and Bottom Ash.鈥 Abstract to papers, ACS National Meeting & Exposition. San Diego, CA, March 2022.
  • H. M. Ricker, A. Leonardi, J. G. Navea. 鈥淧hotosensitization of adsorbed NO2 on humic acid films as a daytime source of HONO, ClNO, and NO: Effect of pH and chloride ions.鈥 Abstract to papers, ACS National Meeting & Exposition. San Diego, CA, March 2022.
  • E. Davis, G. A. Freeman-Gallant, O. Alija, and J. G. Navea. 鈥淧hotooxidation of fatty acids within environmentally-relevant organic thin films: A study of model systems for marine and terrestrial photosensitizers.鈥 Abstract to papers, ACS National Meeting & Exposition. San Diego, CA, March 2022.
  • H. M. Ricker, A. Leonardi, J. G. Navea. 鈥淓ffect of pH in the photosensitized reduction of NO2 adsorbed in humic acid films: Daytime formation of HONO, ClNO, N2O, and NOx.鈥 Abstract to papers, ACS National Meeting & Exposition. Atlanta, GA, August 2021.
  • Y. Nshanji; A. Leonardi; P. Cobine; J. G. Navea; T. Padilla-Benavides. 鈥淭he mitochondrial Cu-transporter PiC2 contributes to skeletal muscle growth and differentiation.鈥 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2021. Boston, MA. Annual Meeting.
  • H. M. Ricker, A. Leonardi, J. G. Navea. 鈥淧hotosensitization of NO2 by humic acid at normal and low pH as a source of HONO, ClNO, N2O, and NOX.鈥 NSF-Centers for Chemical Innovation, CAICE Y8 annual meeting, La Jolla, CA. 2020.
  • Navea, J. G. 鈥淗eterogeneous photochemical pathways for the formation of nitrous acid.鈥 Abstracts of Papers, ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA. August 2019, COLL. Surfaces & Interfaces in the Environment (invited talk)
  • Navea, J. G., Kim, D., Xiao, Y., Karchere-Sun, R., Richmond, E. 鈥淪imulated atmospheric processing and iron mobilization of combustion particles: effects of acid media and solar flux.鈥 Abstracts of Papers, ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA. August 2019, PHYS.


  • National Science Foundation鈥 CHE/AGS 鈥 RUI 鈥 $243,984 research grant, 09/01/20 to 08/31/23 鈥淧hotochemical and OH-initiated processing of aerosol organic coatings,鈥 Juan G. Navea (PI), CHE 2003814. Awarded
  • National Science Foundation 鈥 Major Research Instruments - $ 407,342 research and teaching grant 09/01/20 to 08/31/23 鈥淢RI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer to Enhance Research and Training at 番茄直播", Steven Frey (PI), Juan G. Navea (Co-PI), K. Aurelia Ball (Co-PI), Anna Brezny (Co-PI). Awarded
  • Sherman Fairchild Foundation - $494,240 grant to support the scientific equipment program at 番茄直播, 05/01/20 to 04/30/25. Juan G. Navea (PI), Kimberly Frederick (Co-PI). Awarded
  • Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation - $ 75,000 research award, 10/01/20 to 10/01/25. 鈥淪hedding Light on Atmospheric Interface Processes through Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Research.鈥 Juan G. Navea (PI). Awarded.


  • American Chemical Society (Physical Chemistry, Colloids, and Environmental Sections)
  • Air and Waste Management Society
  • American Physical Society


  • 2020 Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation.