
Periclean Scholar Awards

The Periclean Scholar Award Competition, held annually, awards up to four prizes ($200 each) to seniors for distinguished senior projects.  The purpose of the Scholar Awards Program is to recognize excellence through an outstanding senior project, and to share the honor of this achievement by sponsoring a ceremonial presentation of the project open to the College community.

The Society invites faculty to submit outstanding senior projects (a culminating thesis, research project, performance, exhibit) and nominating letters to the Office of the Dean of Studies.  The date of a nominated performance or exhibit (as in Art, Music, Dance, Theater) must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the performance or presentation.  Nominating letters should describe the particular strengths of the senior project and offer a context to help guide members of the Periclean review committee. 

The three student officers of Periclean, four faculty members, and the advisor to the Periclean Honor Society select the winners.  Award recipients will be announced in early May. The academic community is invited to attend a presentation of the winning projects.

For submission deadlines contact the Office of the Dean of Studies.